Ingenuity Wiki

Skobra (SKOH-bruh) was an archipelago in the southern hemisphere.


Nezuma and Skobra had regular contact with each other stretching at least as far back as -800. Skobra also had occasional contact with Lornith, likely dating to the -300s.  There were occasional trade missions between the two.

The different islands of Skobra had independent governments for most of their history.  Following the arrival of the Island Union (IU) in 183, they formed a single governing body which occasionally met to handle archipelago-wide issues such as relations with the IU.

Following the loss of the War of the Atolls (411–417), Skobra was controlled by the IU.

Skobra had been substantially affected by rising sea levels.

Politics and Economy[]

Skobra had a governor appointed by the IU from one of the other member nations, rotating every five years. Locals had no representation in government. The production of Skobra was considered IU property, to be put towards projects as the IU saw fit.

Opinions towards the IU were decidedly unfavorable, but there was less active resistance on Skobra than on Nezuma.

Culture and Values[]

Traditionally, fishing was considered the domain of women and gathering the domain of men.  This had largely ceased being the case by 300, though it remained in the form of names and traditional clothing, dance, and music until the begin of rule by the IU.

The attitude of IU citizens towards Skobra and Nezuma has generally been one of ignorance, if not condescension. Some are opposed to the continued treatment of the southwestern isles as occupied territories, whereas others deem it as justified.


Cosprak was the official language of Skobra, and use of Skobran was banned. Children on Skobra were not allowed to be given traditional Skobran names. Many of the oldest Skobran still spoke it, but it was not being passed down to subsequent generations.
